31 December 2011

redsn0w 0.9.10b3 for Windows, no version check (if above version doesn’t work)

redsn0w 0.9.10b3 for Windows, no version check (if above version doesn’t work)

29 December 2011

redsn0w 0.9.10b3 发布

Update #3: The b3 version of redsn0w fixes a problem where re-running redsn0w over an existing jailbreak would cause MobileSubstrate-based apps to stop running until MS was installed again.  Now you can re-run the redsn0w jailbreak step without worrying about that (but still remember to de-select the “Install Cydia” option if it’s already installed).
TIP: If auto-detection fails and redsn0w tells you no identifying data was found, you can always pre-select the appropriate 5.0.1 IPSW using “Extras->Select IPSW”.
升级3:  解决重新运行redsn0w 的jailbreak 而导致Mobile Substrate不能运行直到重新安装MS的问题。

28 December 2011

redsn0w 0.9.10b2 发布,iOS 5.0.1 完美越狱 解决launchctl问题

Update #2: The b2 version of redsn0w includes the launchctl-related fix by @planetbeing as mentioned by @saurik here and here.  As usual, you can just re-run redsn0w in jailbreak mode over your existing 5.0.1 jailbreak (even a PwnageTool one), making sure to de-select “Install Cydia” if you do.  Always be sure to do a controlled “slide to power off” shutdown of your device before running redsn0w.
Here are the redsn0w download links:
b2解决了launchctl问题,saurik以前提到过,重新运行redsn0w的jailbreak模式,PwnageTool同样可以,反选Install Cydia,运行redsn0w前先关机

PwnageTool_5.0.1. 发布,完美越狱5.0.1

下载 PwnageTool_5.0.1.dmg


27 December 2011

Redsn0w 0.9.10b1 发布 iOS 5.0.1 完美越狱


@pod2g has created a terrific gift for iOS fans — an untethered 5.0.1 jailbreak for non-A5 devices!
Many of you have already been following @pod2g’s blog where he’s been keeping everyone up to date on his progress.  And so you know that he recently decided to push the button on a release for all devices except the new iPhone4S and iPad2.  @pod2g’s untether involves two separate exploits and a few other “tricks” — and since he’s taken the @comex approach of doing nearly everything himself, you know his plate has been full these past few months!
A few days ago, @pod2g gave the untether to both the iPhone devteam and the chronic devteam.  We’ve put it into redsn0w 0.9.10 and PwnageTool, and the chronic devteam put it into a Cydia package (the same set of exploits is in all three).
Here are the basic steps for how to get it:
  • The untether is for iOS 5.0.1 on iPhone3GS, iPhone4, iPhone4-CDMA, iPad1, iPod touch 3G, iPod touch 4G
  • If you have one of those devices and are not on 5.0.1 yet, update now!  The SHSH window is still open for 5.0.1  If you unlock via ultrasn0w or gevey, make sure you only get to 5.0.1 via a custom IPSW!  See the guides at places like iClarified.com if you don’t know how.  Once you’re at 5.0.1, use the latest redsn0w 0.9.10 to both jailbreak and untether.
  • If you’re already at 5.0.1 with a tethered jailbreak, you have two choices: either run redsn0w 0.9.10 over your current jailbreak (deselect “Install Cydia” if you do that), or install the Cydia package prepared by the chronic devteam.  The patches are the same regardless of which you choose.
  • Some of you are using a hybrid 5.0/5.0.1 configuration.  If so, do not attempt to install this untether over that setup!  You will most likely get into a reboot cycle.  Do a sync and fresh restore to 5.0.1 then install the jailbreak + untether.
As mentioned earlier, @pod2g has spent months working on all the exploits and tricks in this untether, and many of you may be wondering how you can send donations.  Although the iPhone devteam itself doesn’t take donations, we thought it was appropriate to provide a link at the end of the redsn0w run for you to more easily donate directly to @pod2g if you wish (alternatively, you can go right here).  There’s a link in the Cydia package for donating to the chronic devteam for the Cydia version of @pod2g’s untether.
@pod2g is now looking for a way to extend this to A5 devices.  Because those devices cannot use geohot’s limera1n exploit to inject the untether, they require exploits above and beyond those used for this release.  Keep following pod2g on twitter or his blog for any progress reports!
Here are the redsn0w download links.  These links are temporary, do not permalink them yet!

24 December 2011

TinyUmbrella 5.10.02 发布,下载

Apple TV 4.4.4 support

I've updated TU for AppleTV 4.4.4 support. Sorry for the delay! Busy during the holidays :)

Apple TV 4.4.4的支持 

21 December 2011

[下载]iFaith 1.4.1 发布

       iFaith v1.4.1 Release Notes:
* Added Apple TV 4.4.4 (9A406a) support.
支持 apple tv 4.4.4
* TinyUmbrella iOS 4.4.x/5.x.x blobs are now accepted.
可以使用tinyumbrella ios4.4.x和5.x.x的shsh文件
* Resolved rare DFU detection issues.
* Resolved issues with 8GB iPhone 4 Models.
解决iphone 4 8G版本问题
* Resolved iPhone 3GS issues with factory certificates/Error 21
解决iphone 3gs 恢复系统时 验证问题   itunes 21错误
  that occurred during restore.
* Resolved iOS Detection issues.
解决iOS 识别问题
* Removed kill-switch that accidentally got distributed in
  iFaith-v1.4's public release.
删除 iFaith 1.4的支持

* Don't expect A5 device support until a DFU bootrom
  exploit is publicly available.

* Thanks to JKjeepnJeff & JPWest for their contributions
  to this release! :)
    Now available at: http://iH8sn0w.com
Tweet any bugs via twitter to @iH8sn0w

// iH8sn0w


20 December 2011

redsn0w 0.9.9b9d 发布,下载

Update #17d: iPhone3GS owners in our comments section below noticed a problem with the untethered jailbreak available for the old-bootrom 3GS. We’ve corrected that problem in 0.9.9b9d. If you have an old-bootrom 3GS and have already used last night’s redsn0w on it, you can re-run it again without losing anything. Just use this new version, go to Extras->IPSW and manually select the 5.0.1 IPSW, then go back and Jailbreak it again (but you can uncheck Cydia because it’s already installed). This is still a tethered jailbreak for all except old-bootrom 3GS users.

3GS带旧版bootrom可以完美越狱,在5.0.1,只要选择extras->IPSW选择 5.0.1的固件,然后重新越狱就可以,不用选择安装Cydia 

Here are the download links:

19 December 2011

redsn0w 0.9.9b9b 发布,下载

Update #17: The holiday season is almost here (Happy Holidays!) so we realize everyone is busy (especially @pod2g!).  And even though we always recommend that jailbreakers stay where they are until a new untethered JB comes out, that’s not always possible.  So we’ve updated redsn0w for those who may have found themselves at iOS 5.0.1, and added some other useful features too:

更新17: 这个假期。。。。。。懒得翻译然后就pod2g制作的iOS 5.0.1完美越狱差不多了,Redsn0w等不及pod2g出iOS 5.0.1,先给一些原生就是5.0.1的朋友一个不完美越狱,然后新增加一些功能。
  • native support for 5.0.1 (no need to point redsn0w at 5.0 IPSW or use command-line args).  Support automatically extends to all of redsn0w’s various functions: “Jailbreak”, “Just boot”, “Fetch blobs”, “Stitch blobs”, “Recovery Fix”
原生支持5.0.1(不需要选择5.0固件或者命令行) 支持越狱,引导,获取shsh,修复恢复模式
  • iBooks fixed in 5.0 and 5.0.1.  This is a targeted fix that doesn’t remove entire sandbox mechanism.  5.x users already using redsn0w “Just Boot” can just use the new version without redoing entire jailbreak again
  • 3GS old-bootrom owners can now create custom IPSWs without blobs
3GS旧版bootrom 不用shsh可以创建自制固件
  • ultrasn0w compatability update (i.e. same baseband requirements) for 5.0.1 will be available on Cydia Monday
周一Ultrasn0w支持5.0.1 但是还是原先基带
  • support for newer 8GB iPhone4 (which until now had problems with “Fetch blobs”).  Thanks to @JKjeepnJeff for loaning us one of these newer i4 units for testing!
支持8G版本iPhone 4的shsh获取,感谢@JKjeepnjeff借给我们新的iphone 4测试
  • allows Windows users (not just OS X users) to use the “Custom” button to create IPSWs without baseband updates.  (Update: please wait for 0.9.9b9b for this!)
支持Windows用户,不仅是 Mac用户,自制固件,并去除基带(更新:等待0.9.9b9b的支持)
  • accommodates APTickets in 5.x (until next Apple countermove).  APTickets are crypto-verified before submitting to Cydia, just like the main blobs.  Cydia server support for sending back the APTickets is upcoming.  For now, use stitched IPSWs for 5.x.  Due to APTickets, stitched 5.x IPSWs now require user to start in “Pwned DFU” mode
  • Support added for stitching 4.x blobs to iPad2-GSM IPSWs.  Similar to @notcom’s TinyCFW but doesn’t require lots of RAM or a TSS-assisted restore. Won’t work for iPad2 5.x blobs (or iPhone4S at all) until a bootrom-level exploit is out
支持iPad2 GSM降级到4.x的系统,和TinyCFW原理相似,但是不用2.5G内存,或者TSS协助降级,不支持iPad2 5.x的shsh降级也不支持iPhone4s 直到bootrom解决
  • top line now shows whether (and where) a redsn0w update is available, or if the version being run is the latest.  Uses DNS TXT record to alleviate any concerns about snooping
  • no 5.1 beta support at this time (major apps like Cydia are not yet compatible)
  • @pod2g has been doing a great job porting his 5.x untether…check his blog for updates!
Pod2g已经很努力的去制作 5.x的完美越狱 查看他的blog
  • Owners of newer 3GS iPhones must not flash the iPad baseband.  The iPad baseband will not work on 3GS iPhones built later than 2011 week 35.  You have a week 35 or later device if your serial # starts with xx135.
最后一条没理解什么iPad 基带不工作在3GS 35周后的机器什么的,序列号开始xx135

Update #17b: Version 0.9.9b9b enables the “Custom” button for Windows users, and make the 3GS week 35 warning a more explicit part of the process.
0.9.9b9b支持Windows用户制作35周后的3gS 自制固件,
Update #17c: For those Windows users encountering launch errors due to the self-update check, please use this version instead for now: 
This is still a tethered jailbreak for all except old-bootrom 3GS users.

旧版bootrom 的3GS用户是不完美越狱
Here are the download links:

7 December 2011

iFaith 1.4版本发布

支持 5.0.1 到3.x.x的降级

27 November 2011



18 November 2011

怎样不用越狱或Gevey SIM解锁iPhone 4S, 4, 3GS 视频

仅限于AT&T iPhone

第一步:插入原AT&T sim卡
第四步:拿出ATT 的sim卡
第五部,插入T-mobile 的sim卡
第十三步,取出Sim 卡

15 November 2011


bicycle and spare parts 自行车及零件

  bicycle bell 自行车车铃

  bicycle bottom bracket 自行车底架

  bicycle brake 自行车刹车

  bicycle chain lock 自行车链条锁

  bicycle chain set 自行车全链盒

  bicycle chain 自行车链条

  bicycle chainwheel and crank 自行车链轮曲柄

  bicycle dynamo 自行车发电机

  bicycle ergomotor 自行车功量仪

  bicycle expansion brake 自行车涨闸

  bicycle external gear-shaft 自行车外变速器

  bicycle frame 自行车架

  bicycle freewheel 自行车飞轮

  bicycle front fork lock 自行车前叉锁

  bicycle front fork 自行车前叉

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  bicycle hand brake 自行车手闸

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  bicycle handle grip 自行车把套

  bicycle hub brake 自行车车轮闸

  bicycle light 自行车灯

  bicycle lock 自行车锁

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  bicycle mudguard 自行车挡泥板

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  bicycle pump 自行车打气筒

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  bicycle tyre and tube 自行车内外胎

  bicycle tyre 自行车外胎

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  bicycle wrench 自行车扳手
axle 轴 
pedal   脚蹬
saddle   鞍座
chain wheel   轮盘
clip band 脚蹬套
crank shaft   脚蹬轴
factory number   出厂号码
fender   挡泥板
footrest   搁脚板
inner track   内胎的另一种说法
rear light   尾灯
tandem bicyle   双人自行车
valve   气门
valve core   气门芯
valve sealing cap   气门芯帽
crossbar 车架横梁
Bicycle 自行车
Tire 轮胎
Rim 轮圈
Saddle 坐垫
Seat post 座杆
Seat post clamp 座杆束子
Rear brake 后刹车
Front brake 前刹车
Seat stay 后上叉
Chain stay 后下叉
Seat tube 座管
Top tube 上管
Down tube 下管
Freewheel / cassette Sprockets 飞轮
Rear Ends/Dropouts 后叉端
Derailleur Cable 变速导线
Rear Derailleur 后变速器
Chain 链条
Pedal 脚踏
Front Derailleur 前变速器

个人追逐赛 individual race

冲刺能力 ability to sprint

个人公路赛 individual road race

制动杀带 anchor wire

室内赛车场 indoor cycle track

上坡 ascent

团体追逐赛 team pursuit race

雨披装备 a rain cape furnishes

自行车竞赛 cycle racing

沥青柏油路 asphalt road

内圈跑道 inner track

沥青跑道 asphalt track

号码牌 number plate

集合地点 assembing place

公开赛 open event

轴 axle

起点线 starting line

车轴断裂 axle fracture

团体赛 team race

倒蹬 back-pedal

弯道 curve

非终点直道 back straight

圈 lap

滚珠 ball

赛车场 track

滚珠轴承 ball bearing

脚蹬 treadle

弯道冲刺 bank dash

倾斜的 banked

倾斜(场地跑道) banking

车铃 bicycle ball

换车 bicycle change

车架 bicycle frame

车锁,一种轮锁 bicycle lock,a wheel lock

自行车领先赛 bicycle-paced racr

自行车气筒 bicycle pump

自行车竞赛 bicycle-racing

Rear suspension 后避震
Decals 贴标
Chainwheel&cranks 大齿盘及曲柄
Valve 汽门嘴
Spoke 钢丝
Nipple 铜头
Front fork end 前叉端
Hubs 花鼓
Quick release 快拆杆
Front fork 前叉
Brake cable 刹车导线
Front crown 前叉肩盖
Brake cable housing 刹车导线
Brake lever 刹车握把
Bar end 小手把(副把手)
Grip/tape 握把套
Head tube 头管
Handlebar 车手
Derailleur lever 变速杆
Stem 竖管
Head parts 车头碗组
Kickstand 停车柱
Chain cover 链盖
Pump 打气筒
Mudguard 挡泥板
Water bottle 水壶
Lock 锁
Basket 篮子
Bell 钤
Head Light 前灯
Back mirror 后照镜
Reflector 反光片
Luggage Carrier 货架
Bike Category/自行车种类(中英文对照)


DS--Dual Slalom :速降对抗赛车

DH--Down Hill:速降车

FS--Full Suspension:全减震越野车

XC--Cross Country:越野车(通常为越野车)


T.T--Time Trial:计时赛车



Cycle cross:公路越野车


BMX--Bicycle Motocross:小轮车越野

Bike Trial:攀爬车,分为小轮和大轮两种,俗称大攀和小攀。



Bike Accessory/自行车零件名称(中英文对照)

1、Main Accessory/主要部件

Frameset(Frame): 车架
Fork : 前叉 
Suspension : 避震,前避震叫Fork,后避震叫Shock,一般不用Suspension
Crankset : 大齿盘
Bottom Bracket(BB) : 中轴(简称BB)


Derailleur : 拨链器 变速器

Shift Cables : 变速线
Shift Lever set : 变速手把 手拨
Cassette Sprockets : 飞轮,一般就直接说成Cassette
Chain : 链条

3、Brake System/刹车系统

Brake : 刹车
V-Brake : V型刹车
Disc-Brake : 碟刹
Handelbar : 把横
Aheadset Stem(stem): 把立
Cartridge Headset : 车头碗组(前叉碗 ),一般就直接说Headset

Brake cables:刹车线


Pedals : 脚踏

Wheel : 车轮

Rim : 车圈
Tire : 车胎

Hub : 花鼓,车轮轴
Spoke : 辐条
Saddle : 车座
Seatpost : 座管
Bar End:副把

Weight: 车重

Ski pad: 护盘

Chain tensioner :拉链片

Bar : 把手

R-rim: 后圈

Seat: 座包


提高iPhone 待机时间

禁止推送 mail




11 November 2011

sn0wbreeze v2.8 [BETA 11] 发布,支持 iOS 5.0.1


   sn0wbreeze v2.8 [BETA 11]:
* Supports iOS 5.0 (9A334)/5.0.1 (9A405)
支持 iOS 5 9A334和9A405
* Fixed iBooks sandbox crashing issues (as of 2.8b9).
修复iBooks 沙盒问题
* Fixed location services issues with iPhone 3GS
修复3GS 定位问题
  users running the iPad baseband (as of 2.8b9).
* Re-added iPad baseband install option to iPhone 3GS.
* Tethered devices are booted via iBooty which is
extracted to the Desktop after running sn0wbreeze.
- iPhone 3GS (old bootrom)...NO
- iPhone 3GS (new bootrom)..YES
- iPhone 4 (GSM)............YES
- iPhone 4 (CDMA)...........YES
- iPod Touch 3G.............YES
- iPod Touch 4..............YES
- iPad 1G...................YES

** iPhone 3GS iPad baseband (06.15.00) users: **
- Re-flash the iPad baseband via sn0wbreeze 
if you restore(d) to a stock 5.0 firmware.

Now available at: http://iH8sn0w.com

// iH8sn0w

iOS 5.0.1 下载地址

如果想完美越狱iOS 5, 请不要升级到5.0.1

iOS 5.0.1 已经发布,想完美越狱的不要升级到5.0.1


7 November 2011

自行车原地站立 英语 定车

原地站立 Track Stand
基本意思是,带好护具,保护好自己安全   伸直腿和胳膊,一只脚在前

zap tap意思是跳一个物体,比如箱子,前轮上去,后轮也跳上去,或者过槛,前轮跳过去,后轮也跳过去 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zXRSPfdfH-A

Bunny Hop 就是前轮起来,后轮也一起起来跳过障碍物或者跳上人行道

Fixie skid 是重心放在前轮,让后轮刹车,往前滑行,没啥意思,整个是个废胎动作

5 November 2011

sn0wbreeze v2.8b10 下载 支持5.0.1 b2


ping ipv6地址方法

网上ping ipv6方法很多,但是就是ping不通

比如网上写ping6 主机地址 

其实 很简单,ping -6 主机地址
比如ping -6 ipv6.internode.on.net

Microsoft Windows [Version 6.1.7610]
Copyright (c) 2011 Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

C:\Users\lololo>ping -6 ipv6.internode.on.net

Pinging ipv6.internode.on.net [2001:44b8:8020:f501:250:56ff:feb3:6633] with 32 b
ytes of data:
Reply from 2001:44b8:8020:f501:250:56ff:feb3:6633: time=32ms
Reply from 2001:44b8:8020:f501:250:56ff:feb3:6633: time=31ms
Reply from 2001:44b8:8020:f501:250:56ff:feb3:6633: time=31ms
Reply from 2001:44b8:8020:f501:250:56ff:feb3:6633: time=31ms

Ping statistics for 2001:44b8:8020:f501:250:56ff:feb3:6633:
    Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
    Minimum = 31ms, Maximum = 32ms, Average = 31ms

iOS 5.0.1 Beta 2 下载

iPhone 4S iOS 5.0.1 Beta 2 下载


iPhone 4 (GSM) iOS 5.0.1 Beta 2 下载

iPhone 4 (CDMA) iOS 5.0.1 Beta 2下载

iPhone 3G[S] iOS 5.0.1 Beta 2 下载


iPad 2 (WiFi) iOS 5.0.1 Beta 2 下载

iPad 2 (GSM) iOS 5.0.1 Beta 2下载

iPad 2 (CDMA) iOS 5.0.1 Beta 2 下载

iPad iOS 5.0.1 Beta 2 下载


iPod Touch 4 iOS 5.0.1 Beta 2 下载

iPod Touch 3 iOS 5.0.1 Beta 2 下载

29 October 2011




很幸运, Android的位置追踪服务可以选择性关闭的,你也许或不需要启动它当你初始化设置手机时候。 也可以在设置>位置和安全>取消选择使用无线网络,这样像地图的应用程序不会去手机当时信息,但是坏处是定位不太精准,,Google也不会收集任何地理位置信息,也不会存储到手机里。

然后,如果你想清楚以前的地理位置,你需要重启手机,然后按照free location cache,然后你可以查看曾经被地图吹总的位置,也可以从手机中清除这些文件。


在iOS系统比较复杂,关闭位置服务会停止发送数据到apple,但是它还会存储位置数据在手机上,所以,任何人访问你的手机或电脑可以看见你以前的位置,唯一方法是越狱手机,并按照untrackerd 应用,Untrackerd 是很方便的应用,只要安装它,他会自动清除地理位置并预防手机记录任何数据,但是这个应用不会在手机留有图标。


24 October 2011

how to solve purchase skype credit redirect to tom skype

It really makes me annoying that it redirec to chinese skype!!!

ok , today i use PC version Skype to call my phone number, it automatic hang up and pop out a new window, it remind me buy credit, i click buy more, it go to international skype.

then i can use paypal to buy more credit . lol Crossfinger

怎么解决购买skype credit跳转到tom skype的问题

昨天skype 没有credit,但是去国际skype购买credit自动跳转到tom skype



23 October 2011

iOS 5半完美越狱

注:此越狱在iPhone 4s和iPad2无效


打开Cydia,添加源 http://thebigboss.org/semitether

 第三步:搜索"SemiTether" 并安装


19 October 2011

Apple TV 4.4.1 (9A335a) 升级可以下载


更新了,Airplay, National Hockey League, 照片流,华尔街,电影预告

18 October 2011

Redsn0w 0.9.9 beta 6发布


修复3GS 06.15 基带定位问题
重新选择jailbreak,取消cydia对钩 即可

解决 iOS 5 费电问题

1. 重制网络设置

2. 关闭蓝牙


4. 关闭iCloud
设置,通用,iCloud, 关闭所有东西

5. 关闭定位服务

6. 关闭时区调整
设置,定位服务,系统服务,关闭 设定时区

7. 关闭ping


14 October 2011

Ultrasn0w 1.2.4 发布,支持iOS 5

iPhone dev team今天发布ultrasn0w升级,支持iOS 5,但是并没有添加新基带的支持,如果你的iphone 3G/3GS 有04.26.08, 05.11.07, 05.12.01, 05.13.04,06.15.00和iPhone 4有01.59.00的基带,可以解锁了

iOS5 完美越狱目前暂无


  • sn0wbreeze v2.8b8 (For iOS 5.0) 

  •  但是都是不完美,也就是无法重启iphone
    Redsn0w 的不完美越狱教程看这里

    Mobile Substrate 更新至0.9.3901


    13 October 2011

    Redsn0w 0.9.9b5 发布



    在升级iOS 5时候如何修复iTunes 3200错误


    Apple发布card 应用,付下载地址


    iTunes Movie Trailers 发布,付iTunes下载地址


    iOS 5 发布正式版,付下载地址

    • iPhone 3GS
    • iPhone 4 GSM
    • iPhone 4 CDMA
    • iPhone 4s
    • iPad
    • iPad 2
    • iPad 2,2
    • iPad 2,3
    • iPod touch third-generation
    • iPod touch fourth-generation
    • Apple TV second-generation (iOS 4.4)

    Mac: ~/Library/Application Support/MobileSync/Backup/
    Windows XP: \Documents and Settings\(用户名)\Application Data\Apple Computer\MobileSync\Backup\
    Windows Vista 和 Windows 7: \Users\(用户名)\AppData\Roaming\Apple Computer\MobileSync\Backup\

    iPhone版 AirPort Utilities 下载


    Find My Friends发布,付iTunes地址


    12 October 2011

    iTunes 10.5.1 Beta 下载地址

    下载地址 http://imzdl.com/

    10.5.1 加入iTunes match, 10.5版本没有

    iTunes 10.5 正式版发布,下载地址


    What’s new in iTunes 10.5

    • iTunes in the Cloud. iTunes now stores your music and TV purchases in iCloud and makes them available on your devices anywhere, any time, at no additional cost.
    • Automatic Downloads. Purchase music from any device or computer and automatically download a copy to your Mac and iOS devices.
    • Download Previous Purchases. Download your past music, TV, app, and book purchases again, at no additional cost. Previous purchases may be unavailable if they are no longer on the iTunes Store.
    • Sync with your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch with iOS 5.
    • Wi-Fi Syncing. Automatically sync your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch with iTunes any time they’re both on the same Wi-Fi network.

    7 October 2011

    RedSn0w 0.9.9b4发布 下载地址

    增加ramdisk的 自定义命令使用,自动检测iOS 5,因为iOS4和iOS5加密方式不同 然后增加一堆看不懂的命令。。。。

    5 October 2011

    iCloud GM (Windows) 下载地址


    Redsn0w 0.9.9 b3 发布 附下载地址


    支持iOS 5 GM

    Redsn0w 0.9.9b2已放出

    下载 Redsn0w 0.9.9b2 for Windows / Mac

    Version 0.9.9b2 has been released with fixes and enhancements related to: Verizon iPhone4 firmware detection, Fix Recovery, Stitching, and blob processing.  If you encountered a problem with any of these in the b1 version, please try b2 and leave any feedback below!

    这个版本修复一些错误并提高性能,修复Verizon iPhone 4固件检测,修复恢复模式,和blob处理

    iOS 5 GM 下载地址

    下载 iOS 5 GM ipsw 固件   :

    Windows 用户需要用TransMAC把文件提取出来

    iOS 5 GM更新了什么


    • When creating an iCloud account, you can use any Apple ID as long as it is a full email address and not a MobileMe account. If you have a MobileMe account, you can move that account to iCloud. You can find more information at: http://me.com/move


    • Starting in iOS 5, AirPlay is enabled by default for video content in applications and websites.
    • In iOS 5, AV Foundation adds support for video playback via AirPlay.


    • The NSNetService class and CFNetService APIs do no include P2P interfaces by default. To browse, register, or resolve services over P2P interfaces, an application needs to use the Bonjour DNSService*() APIs noted below.
    • Setting the interfaceIndex parameter to kDNSServiceInterfaceIndexAny in the following API’s will not include P2P interfaces by default. To include P2P interfaces, you must now set thekDNSServiceFlagsIncludeP2P flag when using kDNSServiceInterfaceIndexAny or set the interfaceIndex to kDNSServiceInterfaceIndexP2P. The affected APIs are:
      • DNSServiceBrowse
      • DNSServiceRegister
      • DNSServiceResolve
      • DNSServiceRegisterRecord
      • DNSServiceQueryRecord

    API Validation

    • In the iOS 5 development tools, it is possible to extract APIs used by an application and have them checked for use of private APIs. This option is offered when you validate your application for app submission.

    Apple TV

    • The Apple TV Software enables users to mirror the contents of an iPad 2 to an Apple TV (2nd generation) using AirPlay. This software also enables Photo Stream on Apple TV so users can access photos stored in iCloud. Apple TV Software beta is being provided to test the latest AirPlay functionality with your iOS 5 apps and web sites. If you wish to install Apple TV Software beta on your device, you must first register your device UDID in the iOS Developer Program Portal.

    Automatic Reference Counting

    • In Xcode, if the configuration is set to Device and there is a space in the path of one of the source files (more commonly, the project is inside a directory with spaces), the “Convert to Automatic Reference Counting” step (after Precheck) will fail with error: Error in format of file: <path>.If encountered, the user should switch to Simulator and retry the migration.

    Binary Compatibility

    • On applications linked against the iOS 5 SDK, scroll view content offsets will no longer be rounded to integral pixels during a pinch gesture.


    • Match data for turn-based matches is limited to 4 KB.
    • FIXED: Auto-matching with the turn-based view controller does not work. Invites or the direct auto-match API can be used as a workaround.

    iCloud Backup

    • Backups made prior to September 22nd are no longer available. It is strongly advised to upgrade to this version of iOS 5 in order to continue backing up your devices

    iCloud Storage

    • In the iCloud key-value store, the maximum number of keys has been raised to 256.
    • All newly generated provisioning profiles are now automatically enabled for iCloud. If you are using an Xcode managed Team Provisioning Profile, click refresh in the Xcode Organizer to obtain a new iCloud-enabled profile. To enable all other provisioning profiles for iCloud, simply regenerate your profiles in the iOS Provisioning Portal.
    • If your application is using the NSMetadataQuery class, you must set a predicate and the predicate is now honored. But the predicate is an NSPredicate-style predicate, not a Spotlight-style predicate. An example of the difference is that you must use LIKE instead of = for wildcard matching. The differences are defined in more detail at:http://developer.apple.com/library/mac/#documentation/Cocoa/Conceptual/Predicates/Articles/pSpotlightComparison.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40002370-SW1.
    • The setSortDescriptors: method of NSMetadataQuery is not supported.
    • To enable iCloud storage within your apps in iOS 5, click the Enable Entitlements checkbox in the Summary pane of your project. Xcode creates a custom entitlements file for your project that automatically includes your Team ID. You can add additional iCloud Container values as required by your application. (Note that you must regenerate your existing provisioning profiles, either with Xcode or in the iOS Provisioning Portal, to use iCloud storage.)
    • The container identifier string you pass to the URLForUbiquityContainerIdentifier: method of NSFileManager must include the team ID at the beginning of the string. As a convenience, you can pass nil to retrieve the first document container ID specified in your app’s entitlements.
    • In iOS 5, files that are protected via Data Protection cannot be used with iCloud Storage APIs.
    • File presenters—objects that adopt the NSFilePresenter protocol—do not receive some of the messages that they are supposed to receive, including:
      • presentedSubitemDidChangeAtURL:
      As a work around, implement the relinquishPresentedItemToWriter: method and check to see if the writer actually wrote when your file presenter reacquires the file.
    • If you report a bug related to the iCloud storage interfaces, please include the logs collected during your debugging session. To generate these logs, you must install a special debug profile on your device.The debug profile can be obtained from http://connect.apple.com. This profile enables the generation of debug logs that are needed to diagnose any problems using iCloud storage. The instructions to collect the logs are:
      1. Install the profile. (The easiest way to do this is to mail it to yourself and open the attachment on your device.)
      2. Reproduce the bug.
      3. Sync with iTunes to pull the logs off your device.
      4. Attach the logs to your bug report. You can find the logs in ~/Library/Logs/CrashReporter/MobileDevice/DeviceName/DiagnosticLogs.
      These logs can grow large very quickly, so you should remove the profile after you have reproduced the problem and pulled the logs of your device.
    • File names are case-insensitive in Mac OS X but case-sensitive in iOS. This can lead to problems when sharing files between the two using iCloud. You should take steps on iOS to avoid creating files whose names differ only by case.


    • The version of iTunes that comes with the GM release cannot sync devices that have the beta 7 software installed. To avoid this problem, do the following:
      1. Sync any devices that have beta 7 installed to the version of iTunes that came with beta 7.
      2. Upgrade iTunes to the version that comes with the GM release.
      3. Connect the device and install the GM software. (Understand that you might see a failure to sync error when you first connect the device.)
      4. After installing the GM software, restore from your backup you made in step 1.

    Music Player

    • FIXED: When deleting a song or video from Music/Videos on the device, the Music Player app crashes.


    • In iOS 5, the signing of certificates with MD5 signatures is not supported. Please ensure that certificates use signature algorithms based on SHA1 or SHA2.


    • Push and local notifications for apps appear in the new Notification Center in iOS 5. Notification Center displays notifications that are considered “unread.” To accommodate push and local notifications that have no unread status, set your application’s badge count to 0 to clear that app’s notifications from Notification Center.

    UI Automation

    • When using the performTaskWithPathArgumentsTimeout method of UIAHost in a UI Automation script where the API outputs excessively (say, thousands of lines of text) to standard out or standard error, the task may deadlock until the timeout is reached, at which point it will throw a JavaScript exception.
    • The lock() and unlock() functions of UIATarget have been replaced with the lockForDuration(<seconds>) function.
    • In iOS 5, you can now trigger the execution of a UI Automation script on an iOS device from the host terminal by using the instruments tool. The command is:
      • instruments -w <device id> -t <template> <application>
    • When using the cli instruments for UI Automation you can now target the default Automation Template and pass the script and results path into the tool as environment variable options. For example:
      • instruments -w <device id> -t /Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/Library/Instruments/PlugIns/AutomationInstrument.bundle/Contents/Resources/Automation.tracetemplate <application> -e UIASCRIPT <script> -e UIARESULTSPATH <results path>


    • Rotation callbacks in iOS 5 are not applied to view controllers that are presented over a full screen. What this means is that if your code presents a view controller over another view controller, and then the user subsequently rotates the device to a different orientation, upon dismissal, the underlying controller (i.e. presenting controller) will not receive any rotation callbacks. Note however that the presenting controller will receive a viewWillLayoutSubviews call when it is redisplayed, and the interfaceOrientation property can be queried from this method and used to lay out the controller correctly.
    • In iOS 5, the UIPickerView class doesn’t send its pickerView:didSelectRow:inComponent: delegate message in response to the programatic selection of an item.
    • Returning nil from the tableView:viewForHeaderInSection: method (or its footer equivalent) is no longer sufficient to hide a header. You must override tableView:heightForHeaderInSection: and return0.0 to hide a header.
    • In iOS 5, the UITableView class has two methods to move one cell from one row to another with defined parameters. These APIs are:
      • moveSection:toSection:
      • moveRowAtIndexPath:toIndexPath:
    • Using the UIWebView class in Interface Builder, setting a transparent background color is possible in iOS 5. Developers compiling against the new SDK can check their XIB for the UIWebView transparent setting.
    • In iOS 5, the UINavigationBarUIToolbar, and UITabBar implementations have changed so that the drawRect: method is not called unless it is implemented in a subclass. Apps that have re-implementeddrawRect: in a category on any of these classes will find that the drawRect: method isn’t called. UIKit does link-checking to keep the method from being called in apps linked before iOS 5 but does not support this design on iOS 5 or later. Apps can either:
      • Use the customization API for bars in iOS 5 and later, which is the preferred way.
      • Subclass UINavigationBar (or the other bar classes) and override drawRect: in the subclass.
    • The indexPathForRow:inSection:section, and row methods of NSIndexPath now use NSInteger instead of NSUInteger, so that these types match with methods defined on UITableView.
    • The behavior of the UITableView class’s scrollToRowAtIndexPath:atScrollPosition:animated: method has changed. If a scroll position of UITableViewScrollPositionTop orUITableViewScrollPositionBottom is specified, the method now adjusts for the top and bottom portions of the contentInset property.
    • In releases prior to iOS 5, the UIPopoverController class would unconditionally set the autoresizing masks of view controllers that provided the content for the popover controller. It would also unconditionally set the autoresizing masks of the views of view controllers pushed on to a UINavigationController object which was the content view controller of the popover controller.The UIPopoverController class no longer does this for applications linked against iOS 5 or later. Developers should ensure that the autoresizing masks of views are set properly to allow for arbitrary resizing within any container, not just popovers. A mask of (UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleWidth | UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleHeight) is reasonable.
    • The completion handler for saveToURL:forSaveOperation:completionHandler: is called outside of the coordinated write block.
    • The autosaveWithCompletionHandler: method is now only called for period-based saves when it is safe to return without saving. Documents must save, though, if thesaveToURL:forSaveOperation:completionHandler: method is invoked.

    Safari and WebKit

    • In iOS 5, a new inherited CSS property, -webkit-overflow-scrolling, is available. The value touch allows the web developer to opt in to native-style scrolling in an overflow:scroll element. The default value for this property is auto, which allows single-finger scrolling without momentum.
    • The WebKit framework has been updated to a version which closely matches the engine used by Safari 5.1 on the Desktop. There are some areas to be aware of with the new WebKit framework on iOS 5. Specifically, for web sites and native apps that use UIWebView:
      • There is a new HTML5-compliant parser.
      • Text layout width may change slightly because word-rounding behavior now has floating-point-based precision.
      • There is improved validation of the <input type=number> form field, which includes removing leading zeros and number formatting.
      • Touch events are now supported on input fields.
      • <input type=range> is now supported.
      • window.onerror is now supported.
      • There is a new user agent that does not have locale information in the User Agent string.
      • URLs are now canonicalized by making the scheme all lowercase. If a fake URL is used to pass information from a UIWebView back to native code, make sure that the scheme is always lowercase, or that the native code compares the scheme in a case-insensitive manner.

    Wi-Fi Syncing

    • Wireless syncing support requires Mac OS X 10.6.8 or Lion. You will see an option to enable wireless syncing when you connect your device to iTunes with the USB cable. It is recommended you perform your initial sync with a cable after restoring your device.
      • Wireless syncing is triggered automatically when the device is connected to power and on the same network as the paired computer. Or, you can manually trigger a sync from iTunes or from Settings > General > iTunes Sync (same network as paired computer required).
      • If you find issues with apps, media and/or photos synced to your device, you can reset then resync. From Settings > General > Reset, choose Erase all Content and Settings. Then reconnect to iTunes and sync again.