17 July 2011

UniSA Period 5 orientation 时间表

Thursday 21 July 2011

Time Event Location - City West campus
9.45am - 10.30am School Welcome to new students
The School will provide a welcome, overview and information on academic expectations for new students
School of Commerce Sir Hans Heysen Building, Level 5, Room 08 (HH5-08)
School of Management Sir Hans Heysen Building, Level 4, Room 08 (HH4-08)
School of Marketing Sir Hans Heysen Building, Level 3, Room 09 (HH3-09)
10.45am - 12.00pm Program Information Sessions
Meet your program director and fellow students and find out about important information relating to your program and career direction. This session includes a morning tea break.
Bachelor of Tourism and Event Management (DBTM) Sir Hans Heysen Building, Level 4, Room 08 (HH4-08)
Bachelor of Management (Human Resource Management) (DBHM) Rowland Rees Building, Level 4, Room 11 (RR4-11)
Bachelor of Management (DBMA) Rowland Rees Building, Level 3, Room 12 (RR3-12)
Bachelor of Sport and Recreation Management (LBRL) Rowland Rees Building, Level 3, Room 10 (RR3-10)
Bachelor of Management (Marketing) (DBMK)
Bachelor of Management (Marketing), Bachelor of Arts (International Studies) (DBMT)
Bachelor of Marketing and Communication (DBMN)
Sir Hans Heysen Building, Level 3, Room 09 (HH3-09)
10.45am - 12.00pm Commerce
Bachelor of Commerce (DBCC) Sir Hans Heysen Building, Level 5, Room 08 (HH5-08)
Bachelor of Applied Finance (DBBF) & Bachelor of Commerce, Bachelor of Applied Finance (DBCB) Barbara Hanrahan Building, Level 4, Room 23 (BH4-23)
Bachelor of Business (International Business), Finance and Trade (DBIB) & Bachelor of Business (International Business), Finance and Trade and Bachelor of Arts (International Studies) (DBIL) Sir George Kingston Building, Level 3, Room 16 (GK3-16)
Bachelor of Business (Property) (DBPY) Sir George Kingston Building,
Level 2, Room 15 (GK2-15)
Bachelor of Business Administration (Specialisation) (DBBA) Sir George Kingston Building, Level 3, Room 20 (GK3-20)
12.00pm - 12.45pm Campus Tour
Current UniSA students will take you on a tour of the City West Campus, and assist you with completing the Business Passport to Success competition (all entries receive a free USB).
Business Mates meet students outside program information session locations
12.45pm - 1.30pm Lunch activities
Come along to a free lunch and be provided with express information about important services and student clubs at UniSA.
Student Lounge, located on North Tce between the Yungondi and Hawke Buildings
1.30pm - 2.45pm Preparing for Study
An information session jointly offered by the Library and Learning and Teaching Unit to provide information on studying at University, services available and how students can prepare for their first week of lectures. This session will include a panel of current students talking about their experiences of being a first year student and you will be able to ask them questions. Come along to this session for your change to win great prices, including Unibooks vouchers and UniLife memberships.
Sir Hans Heysen Building, Level 4, Room 08 (HH4-08)
2.45pm - 3.45pm Being a Successful Student
Where to get help in UniSA when you need it, and strategies for balancing the challenges of study, work and life.
Sir George Kingston Building, Level 3, Room 16 (GK3-16)

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