4 August 2011

分析师称,iOS和Mac OS X在2012年整合

根据Jeffries & Co,分析师 Peter Misek称,苹果公司打算淘汰现有的Mac OS取而代之引入一个新平台,整合已经使用10年以旧的Mac OS.

“We believe Apple is looking to merge iOS (iPhones/iPads) with OS X (Macs) into a single platform for apps and cloud services starting in 2012-13.” Specifically, Misek sees the Macbook Air gaining Apple’s next processor, the “A6,” as he calls it, in the second half of 2012, or some time in 2013, following the debut of the chip in the “iPad 3” in the first quarter of 2012, and in the “iPhone 5” next summer.

Misek thinks MacBook “Pro” models and Mac desktops will stick with the current software and Intel processors in order to maximize 64-bit application compatibility, but that they, too, will switch over to an iOS platform by 2016.

我们相信,苹果先打算把iOS (iPhones/iPdas)系统和 OS X(Macs)整合到一个单平台,使在2012-13年启动的云服务和应用程序更好的运行。特别的是Misek 觉得Macbook Air将会使用下一代苹果A6处理器,或许在2012年中或2013年间。首次亮相的iPad 3将会在2012年的第一季度和夏季发布的iPhone 5会使用A6 芯片


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