10 September 2011

OS X Lion 10.7.1的Intel Atom Kernel补丁

下载地址 OS X Lion 10.7.1 Intel Atom kernel
A few changes in it other than getting it to run on an atom processor:
  • In OSKext.cpp, I ditched a goto so a kext in /Extra/Extensions.mkext or /Extra/Extensions/*.kext will not be disregarded if you are also loading kernelcache which also contains that same kext (versions don’t matter in this case) at the same time. Before it would simply disregard the kext in /E/E and goto finish – now it continues down and does version checking between the two to see which one to use first.Some still-current issues with loading kernelcache + /E/E at the same time though – if you are using a parent kext in /E/E in which a kext in /S/L/E depends on and it ends up overriding the lower-version equivalent parent kext in /S/L/E, you will result in a linking error. I will look into it later, but if anyone is willing to play around with this issue, then have fun.
  • Next up in bootstrap.cpp is the core part of what gets the kernel to load /E/E when it is also loading kernelcache instead of ignoring it, credit goes to meklort. This simply injects readBooterExtensions() into the right spot to get it loading the mkext.

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