21 December 2011

[下载]iFaith 1.4.1 发布

       iFaith v1.4.1 Release Notes:
* Added Apple TV 4.4.4 (9A406a) support.
支持 apple tv 4.4.4
* TinyUmbrella iOS 4.4.x/5.x.x blobs are now accepted.
可以使用tinyumbrella ios4.4.x和5.x.x的shsh文件
* Resolved rare DFU detection issues.
* Resolved issues with 8GB iPhone 4 Models.
解决iphone 4 8G版本问题
* Resolved iPhone 3GS issues with factory certificates/Error 21
解决iphone 3gs 恢复系统时 验证问题   itunes 21错误
  that occurred during restore.
* Resolved iOS Detection issues.
解决iOS 识别问题
* Removed kill-switch that accidentally got distributed in
  iFaith-v1.4's public release.
删除 iFaith 1.4的支持

* Don't expect A5 device support until a DFU bootrom
  exploit is publicly available.

* Thanks to JKjeepnJeff & JPWest for their contributions
  to this release! :)
    Now available at: http://iH8sn0w.com
Tweet any bugs via twitter to @iH8sn0w

// iH8sn0w


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