25 August 2011

史蒂芬 乔布斯 辞去苹果CEO 辞职信全文

To the Apple Board of Directors and the Apple Community:
I have always said if there ever came a day when I could no longer meet my duties and expectations as Apple’s CEO, I would be the first to let you know. Unfortunately, that day has come.
I hereby resign as CEO of Apple. I would like to serve, if the Board sees fit, as Chairman of the Board, director and Apple employee.
As far as my successor goes, I strongly recommend that we execute our succession plan and name Tim Cook as CEO of Apple.
I believe Apple’s brightest and most innovative days are ahead of it. And I look forward to watching and contributing to its success in a new role.
I have made some of the best friends of my life at Apple, and I thank you all for the many years of being able to work alongside you.


就我的继任者而言,我强烈建议公司按照我们的继任计划进行,并任命蒂姆·库克(Tim Cook)为苹果新任首席执行官。

23 August 2011

没备份4.3.3 shsh怎么重刷系统

下载 iFaith-v1.3.2
打开,选择dump SHSH blobs
然后选择proceed和let's go, 程序会问是不是Apple TV2, iPhone,iPod touch, iPad选否

恢复,再打开iFaith-v1.3.2, 选择Build signed IPSW w/Blobs,选择shsh,然后选择4.3.3的固件,程序会自己制作一个自制固件和引导你进入DFU模式

22 August 2011

Sn0wbreekze 2.8 Beta 6支持 iOS 5 Beta 6 越狱

sn0wbreeze v2.8b6
* 支持 iOS 5 beta 6 越狱.
* 删除 UDID 开发者检测 + 有效日期.
* 允许 hacktivate.
* 保留基带
* iPhone 3GS (old bootrom)…..NO
* iPhone 3GS (new bootrom)….YES
* iPhone 4 (GSM)…………..YES
* iPhone 4 (CDMA)………….YES
* iPod Touch 3G……………YES
* iPod Touch 4…………….YES
* iPad 1G…………………YES

下载地址 http://ih8sn0w.com/

把Google Plus个人简介添加到自己网站

打开网页 http://www.google.com/webmasters/profilebutton/

20 August 2011

如果刚买到的iPhone\ iPad出问题怎么办

这个方法仅限于刚买了iPhone系列,iPad 或二代14天内有效。
很多人在买了iPhone iPad后发现有硬件问题,比如相机无法打开,屏幕有问题,不要去约Apple Store维修,而是直接提出因为设备硬件有问题要退款
关于销售和退款政策,见 http://store.apple.com/cn/help/sales_policies#topic-17

红雪支持iOS 5 beta 6越狱

Download Redsn0w 0.9.8b5 for Windows
Download Redsn0w 0.9.8b5 for Mac

苹果为开发者发布iOS 5 beat 6 付下载地址

系统有效期到 2011年 9月29日
iPhone 4:
下载 iOS 5 Beta 6 For iPhone 4 (GSM)
下载 iOS 5 Beta 6 For iPhone 4 (CDMA) (镜像)
iPhone 3GS
下载 iOS 5 Beta 6 For iPhone 3GS (镜像)
iPad 1:
下载 iOS 5 Beta 6 For iPad (Wi-fi)

iPad 2: (强烈不建议iPad 2 用户升级,因为无法降级)
下载 iOS 5 Beta 6 For iPad 2 CDMA (Wifi + 3G) (镜像)
下载 iOS 5 Beta 6 For iPad 2 (Wifi) (Mirror)
下载 iOS 5 Beta 6 For iPad 2 GSM (WiFi + 3G) (镜像)
iPod touch 3G
下载 iOS 5 Beta 6 for iPod 3G (镜像)
iPod touch 4G
下载 iOS 5 Beta 6 for iPod 4 (镜像)
Apple TV 2G:
下载 iOS 5 Beta 6 For AppleTV 2G (镜像)

付另个一个下载地址 http://imzdl.com/

19 August 2011

奇迹,DD-WRT 中继支持WPA2

AP 我设置的是WPA 2 personal mix   
repeater 设置成WPA personal TKIP
系统版本DD-WRT v24-sp2 (10/10/09) mega - build 13064


打开  http://www.hotspotshield.com/clientless/iphone/

 点击Get Account ID 获得账号密码

Sn0wbreeze 2.8 可以越狱 iOS 5 beta 5 而且不用开发账户激活

iOS 5 beta 5已经发布两周而且可以用红雪越狱,今天 Sn0wbreeze发布新软件支持iOS 5 beta 5越狱、
今天iH8sn0w    在 http://pastie.org/2389351 发布开发版的软件

sn0wbreeze v2.8 [BETA 5]
* 现在支持 iOS 5 beta 5 (9A5228d).
* 添加 Hacktivation .
* 添加选择是否删除 UDID 开发者检测或/倒计时(也就是自动激活和没有iOS的终止日期).
* 修复基带 独立保存.
* 使用iBooty引导系统.
* 再次添加 afc2.
    支持的设备 & Tethered?
* iPhone 3GS [旧 bootrom]---------NO
* iPhone 3GS [ bootrom]--------YES
* iPhone 4 [GSM]-----------------YES
* iPhone 4 [CDMA]----------------YES
* iPad 1G------------------------YES
* iPod Touch 3G------------------YES
* iPod Touch 4-------------------YES
下载: http://ih8sn0w.com/sb28b5
// iH8sn0w

17 August 2011

Mac OS X 10.7.1 更新下载地址

  • 解决因在safari播放视频导致系统无响应问题
  • 解决因使用HDMI或光纤音频输出而停止工作的问题
  • 提高Wi-Fi连接可靠性
  • 解决因转移数据,设置和兼容到新OS X Lion问题 
来源 http://support.apple.com/kb/HT4764

为啥LTE设备装入Apple Store

昨天AT&T在一些苹果店内装入了 4G LTE设备, 频率 700MHz 和 AWS bands


13 August 2011

iTunes 10.5 beta 5下载

This is a pre-release version of iTunes 10.5 beta to activate iOS 5 beta on your development devices. Be sure to backup your iTunes content prior to installing iTunes 10.5 beta.
  • Posted: August 6, 2011

iOS 5 beta 5 下载

This is a pre-release version of iOS 5 beta for iPad, iPhone, and iPod touch.
  • Posted: August 6, 2011
  • Build: 9A5288d
iOS 5 beta 5 Downloads

11 August 2011

internode 配置ipv6

internode 现在已经支持ipv6,分两种方式接入ipv6
一种是  隧道接入,一种路由器支持

以下的路由器支持 ipv6
  • AVM FRITZ!Box 7270 and 7390
  • Billion 7800 NL and 7800N
  • NetComm NB6Plus4 and NB6Plus4W(第二代)
  • Cisco 877/887 Series using IOS 12.4 or above
 虽然我的路由器也是NetComm NB6Plus4,但是是第一代没法刷固件了
Primary IPv6 DNS Server 	2001:44b8:1::1 (or Auto Assigned)
Secondary IPv6 DNS Server 	2001:44b8:2::2 (or Auto Assigned)
 用火狐插件检查是否启用ipv6 https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/showip/?id=590
windows 版本
去 http://www.go6.net/4105/download.asp 下载6.0的客户端,依据自己系统选择版本
然后打开gateway6 客户端
在gateway6 address输入sixgw.internode.on.net
下面对话框选择connect using the following Credentials
输入internode 的用户名和密码,然后点击链接,会询问是否保存,选保存,在status查看,如果链接上,会显示ipv6地址之类的,那说明链接成功了 
mac 版本
首先到 http://tuntaposx.sourceforge.net/ 下载OSX的安装包
然后下载 http://gogo6.com/downloads/gogoc-1_2-RELEASE.tar.gz  解压文件
输入sudo -s 回车,如果需要,输入密码
输入 cd ~/Desktop/gw6c-5_1-RELEASE-src 按回车进入源文件, 
然后输入vim tspc-advanced/src/lib/md5c.c  回车,这个是配置页面
向下拖拽,然后看见#include "md5.h".
找到#include "md5.h",在#include "md5.h"上面添加  #include <stdint.h>  
按键盘a后便可编辑文件, 编辑完成后,按Escape键,然后输入:wq保存配置文件
现在去tspc-advanced文件夹,输入 cd tspc-advanced 回车,
输入 make all target=darwin回车,然后会显示11行信息
然后输入 make install target=darwin installdir=/usr/local/gw6c
当安装完成后,使用 cd /usr/local/gw6c/bin命令 转到目录
然后输入chmod +x /usr/local/g26c/template/*.sh
现在输入 ./gw6c创建连接 

10 August 2011


今天看见新闻说,这周六在佛罗里达和墨尔本新增两家apple store, 下面有网友说才三家在墨尔本,其它都是授权店

我比较郁闷,adelaide没有apple store,iphone坏了只能送悉尼,而且我上周送到悉尼的iphone,过了5天,他们还没收到。哎,虽说是苹果包邮费,但是不是挂号的,所以丢了都没得查,哎。也不知道我的手机现在在哪里。。。。。。

7 August 2011

苹果发布iOS 5 beta5 (升级日志)

苹果刚才发布了iOS 5 beta 5,而且jean发布了 升级日志
感谢Thanks, Jean!

通过OTA安装iOS 5beta 5, 你必须擦除设备上的所有文件和设置,设置,通用,恢复,擦除所有设置和文件。OTA升级可以在当前的ios 5 beta 3及以上版本使用,选择设置,通用,软件升级 

以下问题是在5.0 SDK发现。


  • 当创建一个iCloud账户,你可以用任何一个邮箱注册Apple ID,并非MobileMe账户,如果你已经有了MobileMe账户,你可以迁至MobileMe到iCloud,去 http://developer.apple.com/icloud 获得详细信息
  •  通过iCloud或Mobileme设定账户时,打开Find My iPhone, 也许会无法启动设定完成后,请在设定,邮箱,再次验证是否启用
  •   新:启动iCloud服务后,也许不会正常保存设置,当完成安装助手,去设定,iCloud去三次验证iCloud账户状态,如果你有多个iCloud或MobileMe账户设定在设备上,也要再次确认每个账户的设定,邮箱,联系人,日历
  • 建议使用多个账户的用户关闭书签,如果启动,也许会导致未定义
  • 默认iOS 5 会在应用程序和网页启动Airplay  
  • iOS 5 支持Airplay在AV项播出视频
Apple TV
  • 苹果TV软件测试版允许用户使用Airplay播放iPad 2 媒体到第二代苹果TV,这个测试版也允许在苹果 TV使用照片流,所以用户可以访问iCloud存储的照片。 这个测试版提供测试最新的airplay功能。 如果想安装Apple TV 测试版在你的设备,你必须先注册你的设备UDID到iOS开发程序
  •    生日日历暂时在iCloud不可用,但是将在未来开放
  •    新:默认日历还会在iphone 日历,不论是否设定iCloud账户。解决方法,完成账户向导后在设置,邮箱,联系人,日历,重设默认日历
  •    新:pushingiCloud日历数据暂时不可用。暂时只能手动到日历程序刷新
 Core Image

  • 修正数据限制到4KB
  • 新:当登录游戏中心,密码也许会被清除,导致无法登陆,再次尝试会成功
  • 新,在这个测试版,GameKit 邀请也许会不成功。解决方法,重启设备
  • 部分文字或图片在iBook 1.2.2版本无法显示,请到app store升级到1.3版

iCloud Backup
  • As this is beta software, it is recommended that you do not use the iCloud services to store any critical data or information. If you enable iCloud Backup, automatic backup with iTunes when syncing will be disabled. We also suggest that you manually back up your device with iTunes. Backups made with earlier versions of iOS 5 beta will soon become incompatible, and will no longer be available. It is strongly advised you upgrade to this version of the iOS 5 beta in order to continue backing up your devices. If you encounter errors restoring from a backup, or enabling a backup more than one hour after signing into iCloud, try deleting your iCloud account from Settings and adding it back. If errors persist, please try erasing your device and initiating the restore again.
iCloud Storage
  • During the iOS 5 beta period, any documents stored on the servers might be purged periodically before GM. Therefore, it is highly recommended that you do not store any critical documents or information on the servers.
  • NEW: Provisioning Profiles no longer need to be enabled for iCloud in the iOS Provisioning Portal. All newly generated provisioning profiles are now automatically enabled for iCloud. If you are using an Xcode managed Team Provisioning Profile, click refresh in the Xcode Organizer to obtain a new iCloud-enabled profile. To enable all other provisioning profiles for iCloud, simply regenerate your profiles in the iOS Provisioning Portal.
  • If your application is using the NSMetadataQuery class, you must set a predicate, even though the predicate itself is ignored.
  • In this beta, the setSortDescriptors: method of NSMetadataQuery is not supported.
  • FIXED: To use iCloud prior to beta 5, you had to manually specify various container identifiers (your application’s Display set) within an Entitlements file for both of your Mac OS X and iOS projects. Starting in beta 5, to enable iCloud storage within your apps, simply click the “Enable Entitlements” checkbox in the Summary pane of your project. Xcode will create a custom entitlements file for your project that automatically includes your Team ID. You can add additional iCloud Container values as required by your application. (Note that you must regenerate your existing provisioning profiles, either with Xcode or in the iOS Provisioning Portal, to use iCloud storage.)
    If you specify a custom identifier string for your iCloud Key-Value Store or iCloud Container entitlement values, you no longer need to prepend your Team ID to the beginning of the string. Xcode will prepend your Team ID to these entries automatically
  • The container identifier string you pass to the URLForUbiquityContainerIdentifier:method of NSFileManager MUST include the team ID at the beginning of the string. As a convenience, if you pass nil, Foundation uses the first document container ID specified in your app’s entitlements.
  • There are issues using the Cloud Storage document API in conjunction with protected data which can lead to data corruption.
  • FIXED: In this beta, document-based applications cannot always detect when files change, move, or are deleted out from underneath them.
  • In this beta, file presenters (objects that adopt the NSFilePresenter protocol) do not receive some of the messages that they’re supposed to receive, especially:
  • You can workaround this by implementing the relinquishPresentedItemToWriter: method and checking to see if the writer actually wrote when your file presenter reacquires. You can also use FSEvents to observe file system changes
  • In this beta, messages about changes to files in a directory are not getting delivered to objects that adopt the NSFilePresenter protocol.
  • While reporting a bug related to the iCloud storage interfaces, please include the logs collected during your debugging session. To generate these logs, you must install a special debug profile on your device. The debug profile can be obtained fromhttp://connect.apple.com. This profile enables the generation of debug logs that are needed to diagnose any problems using iCloud storage. The instructions to collect the logs are:
    • Install the profile. (The easiest way to do this is to mail it to yourself and open the attachment on their device.)
    • Reproduce the bug.
    • Sync with iTunes to pull the logs off your device.
    • Attach the logs to your bug report. You can find the logs in ~/Library/Logs/CrashReporter/MobileDevice/DeviceName/DiagnosticLogs.
  • These logs can grow large very quickly, so you should remove the profile after you have reproduced the problem and pulled the logs for the bug report.
  • NEW: File names are case-insensitive in OS X but case-sensitive in iOS. This can lead to problems when syncing files between the two. You should take steps on iOS to avoid creating files whose names differ only by case.
  • iMessage beta1将会无法和Beta 2或以后版本交流
  • 新: 当用侧边音量键或者耳机音量键调整音量大小,不会显示调整后的音量
  • The version of iTunes that comes with beta 5 cannot sync devices that have the beta 4 software installed. To avoid this problem, do the following:
    1. Sync any devices that have beta 4 installed to the version of iTunes that came with beta 4.
    2. Upgrade iTunes to the version that comes with beta 5.
    3. Connect the device and install the beta 5 software. (Understand that you might see a failure to sync error when you first connect the device.)
    4. After installing the beta 5 software, restore from your the backup you made in step 1.
  • Videos purchased from the iTunes Store do not play on a 2nd generation AppleTV over AirPlay with iTunes 10.5.
  • FIXED: The startMonitoringSignificantLocationChanges method of CLLocationManager does not cause applications to be resumed or launched in the background for significant location change updates. However, if a backup from a previous software version (where an application was monitoring significant location changes) is restored to the device, significant location change monitoring will continue to cause that application to be resumed or launched in the background.
  • FIXED: Forwarding a message with attachments included does not attach the file and the message compose screen does not change from “Loading….”
  • NEW: When changing the host name of an email account in settings, blank messages may be seen in the unified inbox. As a workaround, delete and re-add the account instead of changing its host name.
Music Library
  • FIXED: Some songs are missing their album artwork after changing the device library via syncing.
  • FIXED: In iOS 5.0 beta 4, several OpenGL ES extensions have been moved from the APPLE namespace to the EXT namespace, causing some API to be renamed. The altered extensions are EXT_color_buffer_half_float, EXT_occlusion_query_boolean, EXT_separate_shader_objects, EXT_shadow_samplers, EXT_texture_rg, EXT_debug_label, and EXT_debug_marker.
OTA Software Update
  • If you are doing an OTA software update, you will need to re-sync your photos with iTunes.”
Personal HotSpot
  • FIXED: In this beta, iPhone 4 device cannot join personal hotspot even if it is on due to a non functional Wi-Fi tethering on these devices.
  • FIXED: If you apply red-eye adjustments in iOS, and import your image into the iPhoto seed build, the red-eye adjustments will not appear on that image in iPhoto. As a result, subsequent syncing of your image back to the iOS device from iPhoto will not show the red-eye adjustments.
  • NEW: When restoring photo libraries from an iTunes backup, some photos may not appear in the Photos application after restore. Please back up your photos before updating to iOS Beta 5.
  • Location services are not functional in iOS 4.3 simulator running on Mac OS 10.7 with Xcode 4.2.
  • Push and local notifications for apps appear in the new Notification Center in iOS 5. Notification Center displays notifications that are considered “unread.” In order to accommodate push and local notifications that have no “unread” status, developers can use their application badge count to trigger a clearing of notifications from Notification Center. When an application clears its badge count (by setting it to zero), iOS 5 will clear its notifications from Notification Center.
  • FIXED: iOS 5.0 terminates VoIP applications that are resumed in the background for incoming network traffic with extreme frequency. Developers are encouraged to make sure all incoming data is read from VoIP sockets to avoid this condition.
  • NEW: The UIPrerenderedIcon key (in the Info.plist file) is not honored in this build.
  • NEW: In-App purchase will not work for developers testing their apps with the iTunes Sandbox.
  • FIXED: When tweeting your location from Safari and exiting before the location can be established, the location arrow will stay in the status bar. The arrow can be removed by killing Safari from the task switcher.
UI Automation
  • FIXED: Instruments overwrites the loaded automation script, even if another program is editing it.
  • FIXED: The play and record buttons in the Automation instrument script editor may not work properly after targeting an application that was launched by a trace session and has ended. They may also not work if you target an application that was suspended. If you run into this problem and it persists, you may need to close and reopen the trace document to get back into a functional state.
  • FIXED: When capturing actions into a script using the Automation instrument, interfaces with web views or table cells that contain a high number of off screen elements may take an extremely long time before returning with an expression.
  • The lock() and unlock() functions of UIATarget have been replaced with the lockForDuration() function.
  • Starting in iOS 5 beta 2, you can now trigger the execution of an UI Automation script on an iOS device from the host terminal by using the instruments tool. The command is:
    • instruments -w -t
  • When using the cli instruments for UI Automation you can now target the default Automation Template and pass the script and results path into the tool as environment variable options. For example:
    • instruments -w -t /Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/Library/Instruments/PlugIns/AutomationInstrument.bundle/Contents/Resources/Automation.tracetemplate -e UIASCRIPT

iTunes 10.5 beta5发布( iOS5 beta5 升级所需)

苹果已经给注册开发者发布iOS 5 beat 5, 但是为了同步新系统,开发者必须下载iTunes 10.5 beta5,也就是刚才发布。

如果想获得iOS 5 测试版和 iTunes10.5, 你需要注册为苹果开发者,而且所有人都可以,方法是,去苹果开发网站,购买开发者订阅,年费是99美元.


6 August 2011


最左边,jailbreakme 作者comex,。 左二,搭建cydia服务器的freeman,第三位不知道,第四位绿毒作者,白衣服,geohot,右边两位我也不知道了, 好奇i0n1c怎么没出现.....

5 August 2011


A pork pie ------a lie
eg. I think i told a few pork pies that weekend.....

Frog and Toad----road

Dog and Bone----Phone
eg, He's on the dog and bone

tip, 发音拉长 'arr' in baaarrbie- 大多数澳洲人这么发音,尤其是昆士兰

Dead Horse----Sauce

BYO----Bring your own


Cab Sav----Cabernet SAuvignon

esky----Cool box

stubby----a small bottle of beer

jug---- 1升左右啤酒
long neck----从水管喝酒

Bottle-O----bottle shop


snag or Mystery Bag----sausage

 coldie----a cold beer

Two Pot Screamer----只人喝一点酒很快就醉了

nanana benders----昆士兰人
因为昆士兰种植香蕉,昆士兰也叫Brisbane Brissy or Bris Vegas

Tall Poppy----贬义词someone;s ego is getting too big

Find My Mac 面向开发者

现在在iCloud beta 中,Find my Mac已经向开发者开放, Mac Lion 第四预览版中添加Find my Mac。

 Find My Mac 和 Find My iPhone很相似,但是由于Mac 没有 GPS功能,所以只是用 Wi-Fi网络定位

4 August 2011



      家里的甜食摆没几分钟,蚂蚁大军立即来袭,让人又气又厌,以我以从事糕饼业的经验,献给各位一项无毒无污染又安全有效的妙招--整粒的新鲜柠檬,对切成两 半,在看得到蚂蚁的地方及其动线,挤出柠檬汁,并拿着切半有果肉的那一面,沿途涂抹,神奇效果让您再一次验证大自然的奥妙!
      蒜头呛退   然而花多蚊子也多,叮咬得我肿包累累。一天,友人送了一袋蒜头,妈妈留下够用的量,其余的分植于花坛四周,其特殊的辛辣味隐隐飘散。令人讶异的是,平日凶 猛的蚊子不见了,连下雨过后会出现的超大只蚊子,也销声匿迹了!所以,驱蚊除了打扫环境、清除枯枝烂叶,试植蒜头绝对是上上之策!
      神出鬼没的蟑螂,最爱隐身于掌管我们民生大计的厨房里。面对「打不死的蟑螂」我的办法是--将一块浴用香皂切成数小块,置于容器内注入清水,摆放在蟑螂出 没的橱柜内,不出数日,打开橱柜将令您讶异于蟑螂的无影无踪,橱柜内还多了怡人的香味。想要效果持续,仅须定期补充香皂容器内的清水。
      一:把几粒维生素C和维生素B2泡在水里, 将药水涂抹在皮肤上, 会产生一种让蚊子不敢接近的气味。
      二:在室内挂上橘色的窗帘,或在灯罩上罩上橘色的玻璃纸,由于蚊子害怕橘红色的光线, 能产生很好的驱蚊效果。
      三:在灯下挂一把葱,或用纱布包几根葱段,各种蚊虫都不会飞来;或在房内摆放一两盆茉莉花, 米兰, 玫瑰, 夜来香等花卉,也可以驱除蚊虫。
      蟑螂不喜欢黄瓜的味道 ,当你不想与蟑螂共处时,不妨将一两段掰断的黄瓜放在它们经常出没的地方。
      在拖地的水中加入几滴熏衣草精油,做两三回之后,蚂蚁就会在家中绝迹。30平方米以下的房子(以上就2倍的份量)用四颗马铃薯和半包硼酸(到药房买),马 铃薯煮熟压成泥,和半包硼酸和匀在一起,捏成樟脑丸大小,放置在蟑螂出没处即可。成分不具毒性(比例很重要),但蟑螂就是不喜欢那个味道,所以会远离。此 法一年炮制一次即可。大约春天来临时就是好时机了。朋友说她用了十年,家中非常非常偶尔看到一、两只,但也很快就不再来,那是一个医生朋友告诉她的,家有 蟑螂者不妨试试。


分析师称,iOS和Mac OS X在2012年整合

根据Jeffries & Co,分析师 Peter Misek称,苹果公司打算淘汰现有的Mac OS取而代之引入一个新平台,整合已经使用10年以旧的Mac OS.

“We believe Apple is looking to merge iOS (iPhones/iPads) with OS X (Macs) into a single platform for apps and cloud services starting in 2012-13.” Specifically, Misek sees the Macbook Air gaining Apple’s next processor, the “A6,” as he calls it, in the second half of 2012, or some time in 2013, following the debut of the chip in the “iPad 3” in the first quarter of 2012, and in the “iPhone 5” next summer.

Misek thinks MacBook “Pro” models and Mac desktops will stick with the current software and Intel processors in order to maximize 64-bit application compatibility, but that they, too, will switch over to an iOS platform by 2016.

我们相信,苹果先打算把iOS (iPhones/iPdas)系统和 OS X(Macs)整合到一个单平台,使在2012-13年启动的云服务和应用程序更好的运行。特别的是Misek 觉得Macbook Air将会使用下一代苹果A6处理器,或许在2012年中或2013年间。首次亮相的iPad 3将会在2012年的第一季度和夏季发布的iPhone 5会使用A6 芯片


2 August 2011


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